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The official Activities & ProgrammesRecognition of official disease status of non-contiguous territories, which are part of a country that already has an official OIE disease statuse

Activities & Programmes Posted on 2018-10-16 14:51:49

Recognition of official disease status of non-contiguous territories, which are part of a country that already has an official OIE disease statuse

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At a meeting held from 12 to 16 February 2018, the OIE Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (Scientific Commission) discussed the situation of non-contiguous territories of Member Countries which already had an officially recognised disease status. Since some Members wished to include non-contiguous territories that were not specified in the initial application for disease-status recognition, the Scientific Commission endorsed a transparent procedure which would enable these non-contiguous territories to be included within the officially recognised status.

This procedure is annexed to the report of the February 2018 Scientific Commission meeting.

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